Category Archives: politics

Through This Thick Membrane.

No denying it now.
On the cusp
of massive change,

I bow. Submissive
to the winds of change,

the relentless waves
of here and now.
Horizon is golden,
yet still all I see

is the black,

unable to embrace my luck,
strive to even try to fill
this pathetic, empty void of lack.

So tempting it is
to cave into cravings,
the certitude of death despite
knowing full well what awaits
me, us all, in the beyond,

a reset at best broken
by a haunted commercial break,
lost time, wasteful,

confusion and soft rests,

or might I instead
submit to hope,

buried survival skills
commit to a life of passion,
on some stable, sacred ground,
to make myself glow

and inspire either cheer
and/or comfort for all around?
Nature of my cast vote

is obvious,

so I must push
and puncture
through this thick
fucking membrane…

Find & Fight.

The foreboding agonizes, agitates.
The still, the silence, it penetrates.
All alone in your zone of influence
until you show your inhuman face.

Penetrate my eyes.
Rape me via mind.

Time goes on.
Still fucked up.
I’ll come to understand you.

I plow on.
Secure my place.
Find, sustain my weird face.

Still I proclaim
in this world’s frigid fucking cold,
I’ll come to understand you.

I’ll come
to find and fight my soul…

Repent, Abide: I’m Choking.

They all speak of monsters
hiding in the closet
or obscuring themselves

in shadows
beneath the bed.

for that’s where I hid
from them.

Charged with soul
and adrenaline.

To each
their own horrors,
I guess.

Fighting aliens.
Struggling for my voice
to be heard.

All to save your hide,
all as I remain blind

to my fucking soul,
in this bottomless hole

we all continue to dig into,
all to, in worship,
of this endless void
we mindlessly subscribe to.

I cry: Abide!

Hopeless, I fear,
constantly choking
as we near…

Playground Earth (Revisited).

You guide
me outside my body,
deep into

this realm,
this sphere, till I hover
before the earth:

and I let go
of everything.

Desire to be one with.
In full swing,

I yearn to swim
in her atmosphere,
cleanse in her waters,
unite with all she is.

Faithfully commit
my spirit
to this.

Ache to be one, for once.

Then you turn
me away, and I freak.

don’t take me across this sea
of space

to that dead, desert world
from which I sprung.

And you,
you seem so confused.

And me, I,
I find myself awakened,
on my bed,

staring out my bright window
that Christmas morning,

eyes already open,
so confused.

But now I’m starting to get it.

Sea of Stars (Timely Tale of an Interstellar Vagabond).

Consider here

the potential ramifications
of various forms
of Disclosure.

Fever is heating up.
Spines have grown.
Balls have dropped.

Lines now drawn in the sand.

Will the waves wash us all away
before any one of us manages
to build a formidable castle?

One that can withstand
the onslaught, the wild rage
of these angry waters?

Can we manage
to come together, hold hands,
ascend through realization
of our underlying connections,
or will we both fall prey

once again
to Them?

In either case: what then?
Are we slaves, one with Them,

after all?
Are we,
am I

One of Them,
after all?

Are we rebels, encaged,
or excommunicated yet again,

cast out into the cosmos,
seeding foreign stars,
vagabonds to the very core?

Wayward Indigo Starseeds
of the very highest order?

I feel most at home
in the sea of stars,
to be honest.

I feel most at home
in the stars.

Once Truth is Known.

Ascend above
primitive drives.
Too long being
totally pathetic.

Meditate, concentrate,
and recreate a better

Cast away the needless.

Soul is my goal.

Web of souls

Frayed threads still dancing
in the ever-wayward winds.
Winding together, weaving
all our beginnings, our ends.

Darkness meets light,
our star kisses our moon
so we can begin again.

As shadows blend in the Now,
we are, we fucking know.


Finally the truth is shown.

Ticking Timebomb of Disclosure.

Revolution brews
just beneath the surface.
These are deep waters
approaching the shallow.

Bubbling, broiling.

Lies once entertained,
even embraced,
are simply no longer valid.

The stench of your bullshit
has become intolerable.

No more of this edging.
Blow the load
or ditch this old gym sock.

You race against the clock.

Are you fucking
so hopelessly
dumb and blind

you can’t hear the ticking?

To Hell With the Gatekeepers.

All the recurring patterns
are eroding my scepticism.
Seems like echoes

of true experiences to me.
The hallmarks of honesty,

so diverse, collectively,
though through
their array of filters,

still seem to suggest a clear,
underlying, hidden truth.

We are being lied to.
The liars must be exposed.

This propagation
of distraction, disinformation
to occupy the void left behind
in the wake

of their censorship,
their manipulation,
their murder,

it cannot stand.