Monthly Archives: September 2023

Dear Mantis Man:

I reckon
I am of no
particular importance.

Just another subject.

Captured, examined, tagged,
and released,
just like all the others,

to be monitored remotely
with occasional, routine,
subsequent visits
of greater scientific intimacy.

Judge me ripe
for particular experiments,
conduct them accordingly.

Just tell me why.
Just tell me the results,
your conclusions.

I just need to know
my place in all of this.
I just need to know,
in the wake of the day,

the truth.


As you look at me,
I ask, is beauty just a mask?
Am I just hypnotized?
Is it all form and no substance?

Feel this spark ignite
far below the crust,
well beneath

the countless layers
of protection.

Everyone knows
you can’t trust
anyone, so you might as well
go with your gut.

Intuition is discredited
as it draws on sources
the ego itself

cannot draw from.

Relaxed? Now: Hell.

Now passed
the haunting still,
where terror rains
on relentlessly…

Pouring down, eroding
all innocence and sensibility,
fossilized in the silence.

Not for eternity.

Statues inevitably defy paralysis.
Witnesses collapse before
the unbelievable, inconceivable:

from their perspective, anyway…

yet they manage to adapt,
and all is well
as they guide

them through the gates
of their coming hell…

Mantis Revelations.

Realize there’s a seven-foot-tall,
eternally hungry insect looming
over your muddled mind,
as you’re unconscious, restless,
all throughout the night,

yet painfully awake…

Fucks you, eats your head,
and while it’s not literally,
turns out that fails to serve
as a suitable consolation.

Empty yourself and submit
to the gaping, cosmic mouth.

Let yourself be swallowed
by the stars.

Mind and heart, let go,
this creature, he comes to know
who, yet has always known
what you are:

at once erased and reinstated.

I Ascend As I Fall.

Surfacing now.
Exposure inevitable.
Dead, gray alien
face is smiling.

Grin that destroys,
makes me whole.
I only remain nothing
as I’m still hiding.

Dressed in goth,
donning the smile.
Not quite my truth,
yet my scene for awhile.

Draped in this dark,
I ascend as I fall.
Kink and fetish,
exposing wounds:

ravenous animals

I must heal
through all these wicked
yet divine
rites and rituals.

However muddy, bloody,
please accept me.