Monthly Archives: August 2020

Mote in the Eye in the Sky.

Alone in the field
behind my house,
just passed

the chain link fence,
and I’m half-lost
in my own world,

half cognizant
of something like

an eye in the sky,
staring down
from above.

Just an insect
in the glass.

All I am.

Just a tagged
animal captured
and released.

All I am.

I am nothing
but a psychological fucktoy
for you.

So, fuck you.

Smiley With Gladhands.

must build strength
before confronting
the abyss of its shadow,

for no telling the powers
inherent in that revoir
of long-hidden devils,

or what power the ego
has drained in trying
so forcibly

to keep
them down,

to the darkest depths
of my being.

Prepare for war
as you enter,
smiley with gladhands.

Go ahead, just
let them trigger
your fucking finger…

Case of the Damaged Trust.

Lies told.
Ultimately exposed.

From investment
to abandonment.

Struggled with the puzzle.
Detective, so unconventional…

So typical.

Lost again.
Pushed passed the point
of our facade.

Dissociative tendencies.
Its okay.

So well-acquainted
with this confusing
parallel dimension

of space, I’m almost

Spent too long alone.
I desperately desire,
frantically reach

for somebody, anybody,
but I need no one.

I ache.

Even in company,
at least in part, I am
necessarily alone.

I break.

Even in the depths
of hell, I seem
to always
find my way back.

You scream, “Scorpio,”
so: I guess.

I guess.

Suspicious Occupants of the Dark Playground.

Though you have all
the trappings,

can’t shake the feeling
you just don’t get it,
that you’re just a fraud.

Adorn yourself
with reflections of the soul,
not to ride a wave

you never invested in,
could never belong to,
not truly, you shallow fool:

only to take advantage.

Faker. Abandon this,
find yourself.

I can smell
your deceit
on you.

You use this guise
to hide, tainting the path
for seekers truly resonant.

Just go away.
Leave us to play.

This is our playground.

Cocooned from the Cosmic Island.

So warm
in delusions of security,
as I sink and spin
thoughts and emotions

like a cocoon
of past, present, future,
and useful illusions.

Sleep, deep: deeper down.
Dream your increasingly less
wary and wondering way,

into the very core
this time, spiraling
down the drain,

into soul,
though not
in slumber now,

not so ninja
and vague this time.

Lose your sense of self
in the spiraling down
into ancient sectors
of the mind

and embrace
cosmic cycles…

Deep in depths of hypnagogia,
rising up out of hypnopompia,

in the twilight state
between the world

of the dream
and the awake,
I feel at home:

yet unconscious,
liminal and subliminal

on shared ground,
mind in a merged state,
in a joint space.

in the gray area,
finally achieved.

Below, beneath the skin,
foreign to the mask
you call face,

I see earth
in the distance:

a beautiful, lush island
inhabitants so lost in space,
and I talk to myself,

memories tends to fade,

then I awake,
and drag

my feet through
or around
the days.

Introvert’s Threat.

Distance from all you can.
Keep it all at arm’s length.

Just need
some breathing room,
wiggle room
for these silent suspicions
and secret memories.

For thinking.
For remembering.
For processing complex feelings.
For imagination and creativity.

You are a shy detective
with shameful,
working hypotheses.

and controversial avenues
towards discerning the truth,
gaining greater understanding.

Can’t blow your cover,
for none would understand.

Your insanity
covers the spectrum,

leaving you feeling
like an immigrant
devoid of homeland.

Above all,
must ensure
you are the center
you return to.

Never lose yourself.
Anchor dropped,
sinking forever within.

Safe from control
and confinement,
having secured
your sacred, private

Until she pulls you in.

Inviting Guidance of the Dead.

on the belly
of this silly
corporeal container,

your disembodied
form upon me,

into my ears,
join me in
just another
haunting dream.

This bridge exists,
and you meet me on it.
Spill to me your life
before I’m

aggressively dragged
from it,

back to my mundane day,
my daily grind.

I know the dead
still hang around,
alive and well,
drifting betwixt

bodiless existence here
and the parallel reality
of dreams.

I know
we all
have powers untapped,
so help me.

I’m still
so afraid and angry,
feeling low,

rising above,
yet with a dreadful
tension still lingering.

So help me understand.
Help me explain.
Help me learn.

I’m healthily skeptical:
aware, alive
within my soul…

and rest assured,
vital parts
are still listening.