Monthly Archives: April 2024

Beloved Gothic.

You are the evening sky.
You are all these stars.
You are this moon.

Gazing upon you,
you elevate me.

Achieving ascension
in your eyes.

Entranced from the pristine innocent
into the unfathomably dirty.

Drawn into you, absolutely.

See to it we don’t meet
as you would own me

and, if you allow, endure
a plethora of my sins.

Plague of Zombies, Haunting Specters.

Bathe in the quiet of the night,
the static silence
graciously offered by the fan
blowing gracefully
at your back.

Descend into the hated
black hole provided
by headphones
and a monitor.

Let the light of consciousness
cast away denied
fragments and strive
to assemble an accepted whole.

Deny the real,
embrace the censored,

just like any other day.

Embrace comfortable fiction,
bury the excommunicated,
those parts burned at the stake,
ignoring the inevitable

plague of zombies,
haunting specters
due to arrive any day now…

Through This Thick Membrane.

No denying it now.
On the cusp
of massive change,

I bow. Submissive
to the winds of change,

the relentless waves
of here and now.
Horizon is golden,
yet still all I see

is the black,

unable to embrace my luck,
strive to even try to fill
this pathetic, empty void of lack.

So tempting it is
to cave into cravings,
the certitude of death despite
knowing full well what awaits
me, us all, in the beyond,

a reset at best broken
by a haunted commercial break,
lost time, wasteful,

confusion and soft rests,

or might I instead
submit to hope,

buried survival skills
commit to a life of passion,
on some stable, sacred ground,
to make myself glow

and inspire either cheer
and/or comfort for all around?
Nature of my cast vote

is obvious,

so I must push
and puncture
through this thick
fucking membrane…

Find & Fight.

The foreboding agonizes, agitates.
The still, the silence, it penetrates.
All alone in your zone of influence
until you show your inhuman face.

Penetrate my eyes.
Rape me via mind.

Time goes on.
Still fucked up.
I’ll come to understand you.

I plow on.
Secure my place.
Find, sustain my weird face.

Still I proclaim
in this world’s frigid fucking cold,
I’ll come to understand you.

I’ll come
to find and fight my soul…